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Senturian Sound and Speech Recognition

Detects and process Sound Analytics ( Screams ) and Speech Recognition ( Key words like " Help Me" )

Aktualisiert am Sonntag, 19. Juni 2022
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The system is able to accurately detect cries of distress (Screams) and speech recognition (“Help Me”) among other sounds like Car crash, gun shots, break glass, excessive car horns and bomb explosion that are currently already hardcoded. The analytics comes embedded on an edge device ( box).
Technology Partner
Von Milestone geprüft
Bis zu 1000 +
What is needed

Von Senturian Solutions

  • Senturian SEN1000i-S
Edge device Includes embedded Sound Analytics Liscense

Von Milestone Systems

  • Milestone XProtect

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How it works
How to install

Senturian Sound and Speech Recognition - Detects and process Sound Analytics ( Screams ) and Speech Recognition ( Key words like " Help Me" )

The Soundbox is embedded with AI Analytics which supports Sound/Speech recognition and can be placed indoors or outdoors as its water/weather resistant. The system is able to accurately detect cries of distress (Screams) and speech recognition (“Help Me”) among other sounds like Car crash, gun shots, break glass, excessive car horns and bomb explosion that are currently already hardcoded.

The sound box can be deployed in high privacy areas like restrooms where a camera is not suitable. Assault in the restroom at a public area 24/7 can trigger a real-time alert which will lead to quicker response time by security. This can overcome the challenge of increasing security within the restrooms without infringing privacy laws.

Sound analytics can also send triggers to PTZ cameras which then zoom in on potential threats when certain distressed sounds are detected. The system is also effective in covering dark alleys where lighting and visuals are an issue, especially at night.

Key features

  • Detect cries of distress (Screams) and Speech Recognition (“Help Me”)
  • Detects sounds including Car crash, gun shots, break glass, excessive car horns and bomb explosion.


Einsatz Vor Ort
How it works

How to install


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Von Milestone geprüft Read verification


Required Senturian Solutions product(s)

Has proven compatibility with the following Milestone versions:

  • XProtect
    2021 R1, 06.29 2021

Is also expected to work with:

  • XProtect
    2020 R2, 06.09 2020 und später

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